Buckland Surgery



We operate a recall system for all patients with diabetes.  You will be sent a letter requesting you make appointments.  The first appointment is for a blood test and then with the practice nurse a week later followed by an appointment with the doctor.

Asthma clinic

Sam holds asthma clinics during the day. If you are taking inhalers for asthma please keep your review appointments

Well Woman Clinics

Most women are recalled every three years for a routine smear test.  When you attend for this appointment please bring with you a sample or urine.

Baby Clinics

Baby clinics are held at The Children’s Centre in Sandringham Road every Thursday afternoon 1.30 – 3.30. Baby immunisations are still done at the surgery.

Flu Clinics

Every Autumn we hold flu clinics.  If you are over 65 years of age, have a heart problem, diabetes, severe asthma or kidney disease please make an appointment to have your flu jab.

Ante Natal

The Tower Midwifery Group hold ante natal clinics at this surgery.  They share the care of pregnant women with the GPs. These clinics are held every other Wednesday afternoon.

Smoking cessation

If you want to give up smoking please make an appointment with Wendy our Health Care Assistant who will be able to help you.

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 11th January, 2018