For our Patients
To maintain our longstanding traditions with a practice team and environment which is welcoming, caring and accessible for all our patients.
To treat our patients fairly, equally and with dignity and respect.
Valuing each person as a unique individual.
To provide highly effective, efficient and safe healthcare services for our patients.
To listen, communicate and collaborate with patients effectively.
Our Vision and Values for our Practice and Locality
To work with our CCG and local Practices in improving the health of our patients and the local population.
To utilise our computer system fully and consistently within our organisation and embrace new technologies.
Maintaining a health promoting environment.
Adapting to change, building on our achievements, and developing our services.
Our Vision and Values for our Practice Team
To maintain a supportive, fulfilling and rewarding working environment for all.
To encourage personal development through regular and effective appraisal and educational events.
To listen to all team members and value comments, suggestions and contributions.
To project a positive and professional image of ourselves both within and outside the Practice